Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 15: The Dreaded Plataeu

Yep, I have reached the ever-so-dreaded plateau (cue ominous music). I am still 190.5 lbs. Haven't budged since the previous week. Therefore, something is amiss. From today, I am changing my strength training regime once again, and it's about time too, since I have been following this one for over a month.

The last boxing class was also a downer for me. I didn't have the energy to do some of the exercises. This was mostly due to sleeping in (skipped work), waking up in afternoon, eating stupid McDonalds, and having not had much water prior to the workout. However, I better buck up! I only have a month left till my birthday, and I am supposed to be 180 lbs by then. Nothing's impossible (though this will be one steep hill). I can't give up however. I have been dreading and waiting for this moment. Now is when the going gets tough, and the tough get going!!!

Was thoroughly depressed most of last week, but that won't stop me. Nothing will. Onwards and upwa...errr...downwards! Raaawwwwwwwrrrrrrr!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 14: No Rest for the Wicked

Thank God I've dropped back down to 190.5 lbs. One pound gone from the previous week. Nothing else to report, except that instead of going to the gym for strength training yesterday, I fell asleep after work and woke up late at night. I have been sleeping only 5-6 hours a day for the past couple weeks, and it's showing now.

I must start sleeping at least eight hours a day from now on. I'm sure the lack of sleep has also been the cause of the minor depression and demotivation I've been experiencing for the past few days. Will adjust my timings and will see if there is any difference in my mood by next week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 13: First the Bad News...

I am disappointed to report I am 191.5 pounds today, which means I've gained 1.5 lbs from last week. And I was expecting this before stepping on the scales. Why? Because I went overboard eating junk on the weekend. It was inevitable. I have no idea what possessed me to do so (It may be because I had three days off, instead of two).

Oh well. That was the crappy news. I need to get a grip on myself during the weekends. They're not an excuse to party it up without any repercussions. *sigh*

Anyways, the good news was that I wore a pair of my old size 36 pants (from college!) to work last Friday. It was a fantastic feeling, especially since I can actually recall not being able to get those pants above my knees only a few months ago. Awesome.

But yea, gained weight = bad. I better learn self-restraint if I am to progress any further. After all, it only gets harder from this stage onwards!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 12: Pants Schmants

Weight this morning: 190 lbs. That's another 1.5 gone in a week. I can't believe I've got this far. It's truly an awesome feeling. And I haven't been starving myself either. I've been eating the junk foods I like on the weekends, but I do not overindulge even then. One thing I have started doing is, in order to not exceed my cheat meal day calories by too much, I reduce the portion amount of my other meals a bit. This also helps get rid of any guilty feelings I may have during/after eating the junk food. It's worked so far, because the numbers don't lie (touch wood, ha).

Another thing to report. Both my very neglected size 38 pants now fit me very comfortably. The one I'm wearing today, I have never previously worn because of the extremely tight fit. Awesome.

I can't wait to try on more of my older clothes in a month's time.