Thursday, December 27, 2012


Officially started weighing myself from today. Am 76kg. Weighing time is now first thing in the morning, as opposed to previously weighing after gym.

The goal is to lose approx 1kg a week.

I have started Arnel's "16 weeks to six pack abs" workout regime. I have used it off and on in the past, but the last time (May 2012) the furthest I made it was to week 6. It is a high intensity workout plan. It made a real difference to my physique last time. Gets rid of the fat and puts on some muscle. Needless to say, good diet and nutrition go hand-in-hand with any workout program also.

I discovered Arnel's workouts on Youtube a couple years ago. Since then, he's changed them up a bit and has quite a few different programs. They're all free to use.

His old program I'm using on Youtube is:

Over the months, I have collected a vast number of short (1-4 min) motivational audio clips (mainly converted from Youtube videos, sports ads, speeches, etc). I have a separate Ipod playlist for them, and they really help out when you're feeling unmotivated and without energy. These help me more than anything else to continue working out and reaching my fitness goals. I will share them in the near future, so keep an eye out.

Time to hit the gym!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Story So Far.

Having neglected this blog for a while, I feel it's time for a revival.

As of today, December 2012, I am 165 (75kg). That's 10 pounds lighter than my previous post (which was almost a year ago!). This 75kg has been a plateau for a while now, and I either gain or lose a couple pounds every week.

In order to keep this blog consistent, I'm thinking keeping my weekly updates short, and then writing a larger monthly post with my regime strategies, motivation ideas, nutrition, etc.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm Still Here

To say I've been away a while would be a huge understatement! This is just a quick update on what I've been up to and how I've progressed in the fitness department.

It may seem like I lost interest in this whole 'project', but that's definitely not true. I've had a few setbacks, due to lack of motivation at times, and certain interruptions in my life, but I have continued my fitness regime. I stopped being regular for around 4 or 5 months after my last post, but tried to stay on track by forcing myself to work out at home at least 2 or 3 times a week. It wasn't enough, and I ended up ballooning back up to 200+ lbs by September 2011.

Since then, I've changed countries, joined a university, and am enjoying some awesome gym facilities at a club/dorm. I made another commitment to continue where I left off from the previous year, and now (February 2012) I have managed to make it to 176 lbs!  That's the lightest I've weighed in 10 years! I have also developed a love for running, and I the most I can do on my cardio days is 7km non-stop in roughly 40 minutes. I'm aiming to get up to 10k in 60 minutes. It's a big challenge for me, but I've noticed that the more fat I shed and the lighter I get, the further I can run (duh!). Getting to your second and third 'wind' is an amazing rush. I'm totally addicted.

Anyhow, this was just a short update. I shall provide more detailed info regarding my current fitness strategy and goals in another post soon.

Cheers to anyone who's been following, and if I've ever managed to get any of you off your asses, hit me up with a comment or email (

Believe. Achieve.