Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 3: You Are What You Eat

I'm a couple of days late in reporting my progress. I forgot to weigh myself Monday morning, and even though I weighed myself yesterday, I couldn't find time to update my blog.

Well, after yesterday's weigh-in, it's good news. I am 201 lbs (down from 203 lbs last week. So, this past week I lost two pounds!

To be honest, I was not expecting to even maintain my weight, let alone lose some, considering this past weekend's binge I went on. A friend was getting married, and I attended three difference ceremonies. Desi wedding food is an amalgamation of rice, cooking oils, and lots of sweets. I definitely overate, as my iPhone's "Lose It!" application showed. I was very disappointed with my lack of self control.

The thing about an exercise and diet routine is that they go hand in hand. So, if you mess up in even one of them, it will affect the other. For example, during the last phases of my walk and sprint HIIT, when I am extremely exhausted, what pushes me on is the fact that I stuck with my diet the past few days and I controlled my temptations. This gives me the drive to keep on moving, since I will only be wasting my dieting efforts if I don't. The same applies the other way around. When I want to eat that candy bar or ice cream during the week, I think about the all out effort I put into my last exercise routines, and I realize it will have been for nothing if I don't control my temptations.

Though I have lost two pounds, I am getting a bit demotivated, since I do not see the belly fat disappearing as fast. It doesn't seem to me as if it is going away at all. Given, it has only been two weeks, I thought I may have seen some results by now. Anyway, I guess this is when I must remain strongest in will. I should at least wait a full month before I measure my waist, to check for any difference.

Lastly, I will go to the hospital this weekend to get my body fat measured. It is a more reliable and accurate method to check my fitness progress. I will remeasure body fat on a monthly basis.

Well, that's all for now. Till next week!

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