Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week 2 Weigh-in

Weight today is 75kg. It's the same as last week.

Two possible reasons for this:

Had a couple of cheat meals with a friend who was visiting from out of town and also went on a camping/hiking trip with a few people where I ended up indulging in quite a few Snicker's bars. However, I'm sure I balanced out my calories for each day, regardless.

The other possibility is I may have gained muscle due to completion of Arnel's week 2 of resistance training. It is really kicking my butt; the exercises are strenuous.

A caliper test would give me more accurate results, but even though I own one, I am unable to use it properly.

Overall, I'm content with my results, since just by looking at my physique today I could tell my waist has lessened slightly and my arms look more muscular.

I may incorporate an additional test next week, where I try on previously tight clothes and see if there's any difference. I've found that method to be the most accurate, practical, and motivational as well.

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